‘Tis the Season

Before Thanksgiving, our family headed to Target to gather goodies to fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.   We gave Cole and Max each a price limit and a basket and off they went!   It was a lot of fun mixed with a few moments of “what about me?”  All in all, though, the boys were happy to pack a box for someone else, and we loved the opportunity to shift our thinking outward as a family.  I hope that year after year we can pack more and more boxes to give.  And even better than shopping, we joined our small group at a local donation center and packed donated shoeboxes into huge boxes and loaded them up into the semi-truck.  Oh, the joy of little boys pushing big boxes to the back of a gigantic truck!

The day after Thanksgiving (after my pie shake!), my mom, Cole, Max, and I surprised my grandma with her own little Christmas tree.  She had no idea and she may have shed a few tears!  We came in, stood the tree up, strung lights, hung ornaments, and that was that!  Yet another way to get our littles involved in putting others first around Christmas time.  Love.

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